The environmental and social management plans developed for the Project are intended to translate into concrete actions and the mitigation measures put forward in the impact assessment. The objective of the management plans is to guarantee that impacts are being mitigated and monitored, and that standards established in the national legislation are being complied with. Additionally, PT Bhumi Jati Power makes sure that its practice is consistent with the best international standards, as stipulated by the IFC and other international agencies.

Apart from the RKL/RPL required by Indonesian legislation for obtaining the environmental permit, additional plans have been prepared in order to define local actions more effectively and precisely.

Examples of additional management plans are:

  • Biodiversity management plan;
  • Influx management plan;
  • Stakeholder engagement plan;
  • Pest and weed management plan, etc.;


Many Project activities during pre-construction, construction and operation phases have the potential to cause environmental and social impacts. The main environmental impacts (positive and negative) to key environmental factors are presented below. Detailed information can be consulted in the ANDAL, as well as in the RKL/RKP.

Key Enviromental Factors Main Environmental Impacts Main Mitigation Measures
1 Decline in air quality due to increase of flue gas/dust emissions Construction work may increase the amount of dust generated; increase in the amount / concentration of air pollutants released to the atmosphere during the operational phase. Avoid dust emissions by conducting regular water spraying, cleaning up heavy vehicles tires, etc.; employment of pollution prevention technologies such as electrostatic precipitators, wet scrubbers and low-NOx burners to reduce emissions.
2 Increase of noise and vibration Construction work will increase noise and vibration in the surrounding areas due to the piling works or operation of welding equipment, grinders, etc. Noise during the operation phase is also expected to increase. Install noise reduction walls, limit operation of noisy equipment to daytime hours during construction phase, regular maintenance. Install silencers in equipment generating noise indoors, such as the boiler, turbine and generator.
3 Increase of runoff Land clearing and preparation for construction may generate unexpected and eventually contaminated runoffs. Construction of retention ponds around the construction site. Perform regular cleaning up of retention ponds, collect the sediment and send it for treatment as waste.
4 Decline in surface water quality Land clearing and preparation for construction and accidental chemicals spills may cause unplanned contamination incidents. Same as 3).
5 Decline in sea water quality Coal jetty, water intake and outfall construction will cause increase water turbidity due to dredging work and extensive use of cementing; increase in the amount and types of wastewater released to sea during the operation phase may cause water quality to decrease in certain areas. Conduct dredging work with Cutter Suction Dredger or Grab dredger in order to reduce the generation of suspended solids; use best cementing practices to avoid unnecessary releases to seabed; treat all wastewater generated in a wastewater treatment facility and verify compliance with standards.
6 Decline in groundwater quality Leachate from the coal yard and ash pond may percolate through the soil and reach groundwater, which may compromise its quality. Build clay base layer for the coal yard and leachate prevention system for ash pond to avoid leachate reaching groundwater.
7 Increase in traffic density Mobilization/demobilization of equipment and materials will increase traffic of heavy vehicles and, consequently, the risk of accidents and noise disturbance. Installation of warning signs; limiting routes and time for traffic in areas closer to residential areas; provide defensive driving training; establish maximum speed for residential and industrial areas, etc.
8 Increase in waste generation Construction and operation work will increase the total amount of waste generated in the plant. Build area for temporary waste storage (ensure division between hazardous and non-hazardous are bunded); cooperate with waste contractors for adequate collection, treatment and disposal of the waste.
9 Disturbance to terrestrial flora and fauna Areas will need to be cleared for the construction of buildings and secondary infrastructure, which will cause partial removal of flora and fauna (though practically all areas for expansion are modified agricultural land). Establish green areas in order to partially recuperate local flora and fauna in alternative locations.
10 Disturbance of aquatic biota Coal jetty, water intake and outfall construction and seawater intake system and thermal effluent release during the operation phase will cause increase disturbance to aquatic biota. No corals have been identified in the region. Conduct dredging work with Cutter Suction Dredger or Grab dredger; adjust dredging work according to meteorological and sea conditions; use bar screen to prevent aquatic biota being carried into the system; design flow rate of the intake head to 20 cm/s; ensure all effluents are treated in the wastewater treatment plant before being released to sea.


Key Social Factors Main Social Impacts Main Mitigation Measures
1 Increase in job opportunities Job opportunities will increase especially during the construction phase. Ensure a transparent process for recruitment; prioritize recruitment of local workforce, provide training, etc.
2 Creation of business opportunities and change in community income New business opportunities may arise due to the construction of the Project. Creating supporting mechanisms and dialogue with the local communities incentivizing local entrepreneurship. Local commerce may thrive due to the increase of population in the region; new job opportunities locally will increase the working population.
3 Decline of fisheries production Areas where fishing was conducted by local fishermen will be restricted due to dredging, construction work and operational reasons. This will cause a localized and temporary decline in the fisheries production. (though sea area in front of the TJB 1-4 is a special port operation area where fishing is prohibited). Creation of a mechanism to support the fishermen’s activities for those affected by the restrictions; holding public consultations and stakeholder engagement activities to ensure local fishermen input is duly taken into account.
4 Land acquisition Some areas have to be purchased or leased from local landowners which may cause some disturbance in their livelihoods. Resettlement will not occur due to the Project. Creation of a fair compensation scheme for purchase and lease of land from local landowners; if necessary, assist the affected people to restore their livelihoods elsewhere.
5 Change in community perception and attitude Community perception and attitude has been very positive due to their support to the Project. These perceptions are likely change with time, so there is a risk of weakening the good relationship with the Project owners. Holding extensive consultation and public meetings in order to ensure transparency and willingness to take into account all input from the community; maintain flexible monitoring and management systems adjusting them as much as possible to community input.
6 Sanitation and health issues Uncontrolled generation of dust during construction, inadequate utilization of protection equipment and lack of cleanliness in the work environment may increase the possibility of health issues at the site. Watering the areas where dust is generated; make sure all workers wear recommended PPEs; cooperate with the local health center and physicians to carry out periodical counseling on appropriate home ventilation, healthy lifestyles, sexual education, etc.