03 Apr 2024

BJP Plants 55.000 Mangrove as the Commitment for Carbon Emission Reduction and Eco-tourism Development Program

Jepara, 27th Feb 2024 – PT Bhumi Jati Power (hereinafter “BJP”) has successfully conducted the ceremonial Mangrove Planting Program in Tanggultlare Beach on 27th Feb 2024. The plan is to plant 35.000 seeds of mangrove will be planted in Tanggultlare Village. The Mangrove Planting Program (“Program”) is one of BJP’s commitments to the Environment Conservation pillar to support the local community in having a better environment for their livelihood.

The ceremonial agenda was attended by the Jepara Government represented by the Environment Agency and Agriculture Agency, Kedung Sub-District Leadership Forum (Forum Pimpinan Kecamatan or Forkopimcam of Kedung Sub-District), the Head of Tanggultlare Village, and representative of Forestry Agency from Pati Regency. Checking the nursery ground area was the first agenda of the ceremonial and Mr. Paidi as a member of the Tourism Awareness Group “Tanggul Samudro” (Kelompok Sadar Wisata or “Pokdarwis Tanggul Samudro”) explained the nursery ground activities in detail, including the various type of mangrove seeds which in nursed phase, nursery management, and maintenance.

Ceremonial continued at the planting point as the main agenda, which was opened by a speech from Mr. Kosnadi the Head of Tanggultlare Village. In his speech, he delivered his gratitude to the BJP which has a high concern for environmental issues in Tanggultlare. He hopes that the Program could also support the Tanggultlare Village to make the mangrove area into be new tourism area, which could increase the potential income of the villagers. Moreover, He expects that this Program can support the Tanggultlare Village to reduce the abrasion occurrence.

Following the next speech, Mr. Hadi Suwasono the Site Project Manager of BJP conveyed that the Program is one of the BJP commitments in the company’s social responsibilities to provide contribute to the surrounding community. Mr. Hadi hopes that this Program will be successfully run and can support the abrasion handling, and also contribute to Carbon absorption. Furthermore, He hopes that BJP milestones to develop and integrate mangroves with the eco-tourism concept will make Tanggultlare Village become one of the eco-tourism models in Jepara regency with a sustainable innovation program. For the last, He also appreciated the beneficiaries for their enthusiasm and the carrying out of the Program.

In general, this Program will be implemented in 2 different villages in Tanggultlare Village (Kedung Sub-District) with 35.000 mangrove seeds and Ujungwatu Village (Donorojo Sub-District) with 20.000 mangrove seeds, in total 55,000. BJP engaged PT Senyum Untuk Negeri to ensure the smoothness of the Program implementation.

The Program implementation in Tanggultlare Village is supported by collaboration with the Tourism Awareness Group “Tanggul Samudro” (Kelompok Sadar Wisata or “Pokdarwis Tanggul Samudro”) as the Program implementor, while for the Program implementation in Ujungwatu Village is supported by Fisheries Group Sido Maju 2 (“Kelompok Perikanan Sido Maju 2”). The program in Ujungwatu village will be started approx. on June 2024.

BJP will continue to support the environmental handling surrounding the Project, to improve the environment quality, and to support the economic well-being of the community through the CSR Program.