22 Dec 2023

1st Team Building after Covid Outbreak

Bandungan, 30th November 2023 – PT Bhumi Jati Power (“BJP”) and PT Bhumi Jepara Service (“BJS”), the owner and O&M company respectively of Tanjung Jati B Expansion (Jawa 4) Unit 5 & 6 conducted the Employee Team Building. The event was held in three batches on 4th-5th, 18th-19th, 25th-26th of November 2023 at Griya Persada Hotel Bandungan with theme “Commitment for Being Innovative” to increase togetherness among employees. This event was the first annual team building event after the Covid-19 pandemic.

There were various exciting activities enjoyed by all employees such as Outbound Activities: Games, Paint ball, Jeep Adventure, Gala Dinner, and Group Performances. A total of 300 employees were able to join the events to maximise the ability of all employees including those rostered to work on shift.

The event started at Grha Bhumi Prawean as the meeting point before heading to Bandungan. After a journey of more than four hours, all employees arrived at the hotel for rest, lunch and prepared for the outbound activities.

In the afternoon time, the games conducted to test the employee cohesiveness and communication skills and they seemed completely happy and participated in the kind of activity. Later in the late of afternoon, the employees' agility was tested with a paintball game in which employees tried to develop their dexterity and cohesion needed to become winners of the game.

In the next activity of the evening, the employee enjoyed a gala dinner while, the committee already prepared a motivator speaker to increase morale and motivate employee to be good people and achieve their goals in their work area. During the gala dinner, the prizes distributed to the winners of the games which the judged gave the score based on company core values Innovation, Commitment, Improvement, Passion, and Safety (ICIPS).

In the quarter evening, the employees enjoyed live music and participated in group performance awarding. As well as being a fun and enjoy the activity, the performance also has meaning to enhance good relationship and establish bonding among employees across all sections and departments within the company.

During the event on batch 1, Mr. John Smart, the Station Manager of BJS, said that, “This is the first employee gathering after covid-19 pandemic, we hope all of you could enjoy the activity”.

The president Director of BJP, Ichise San during the event on batch 2 said, “More appreciation to all employees for their hard work in BJS and BJP. As is known, BJS and BJP is an IPP with production of 2x1000 MW, which helps illuminated on the islands of Java and Bali. Thank you all”.

Meanwhile, Site Project Manager of BJP, Mr. Hadi Suwasono, delivered a meaningful message to all employee at closing statement on batch 3, “We have to fully learn, be grateful, listen to others, clap eyes to others beside us in our daily activity, where sometimes somebody nears you is your unexpected bodyguard which could support if you are in trouble, so be kind to others”.

In the end, Mr. Yandamairy Mukhlis as HRGA Manager of BJS said that he appreciated the participation of all employees and the committee who joined the events. He hoped that in the future we could conduct team building in other location, bigger and exciting.