20 Apr 2023

Strengthening Relationship among Employees through Joint Iftar

Jepara, 14th April 2023 – Joint Breaking the Fast or Iftar was recently conducted by PT Bhumi Jati Power (“BJP”) and PT Bhumi Jepara Service (“BJS”), the owner and O&M company respectively of Tanjung Jati B Expansion (Jawa 4) Unit 5 & 6.  The event was conducted over three evenings on 10th, 13th and 14th of April 2023 at Sekuro Village Hotel with invitation extended to all employees as one of the company’s employee relation initiatives to strengthen the relationship among employees. This was the second annual celebration of joint Iftar following postponement in in previous years due to the Covid-19 situation.

A total of 312 employees were able to join the events with participation spread into 3 different batches to maximise the ability of all employees including those rostered to work on shift.   

During the event, Mr. John Smart, the Station Manager of BJS, said that, “Fasting teaches us to keep our spirit, be disciplined and have high commitment.  These are characteristics which we also implement to achieve success in our work at the plant”

Meanwhile, Site Project Manager of BJP, Mr. Hadi Suwasono, delivered a message that the meaning of Ramadan Fasting is refrain from eating, drinking, lust, and other things that can break the fast from sunrise to sunset. Through this fasting we have been taught to refrain ourself from the bad attitudes which can break our fasting. He also said, “I really appreciate you all who have still keep your commitment for fasting and to carry out your duty as Moslem, I hope that you were given strength so you can reach the victory which is Eid al Fitr.”

Mr. Katsutoshi Yurugi as the Deputy of Station Manager of BJS conveyed his appreciation to all the Moslem employees who fasting from morning to evening. In the final event, Mr. Yandamairy Mukhlis as HRGA Manager of BJS said that he appreciated the participation of all employees who joined the series of events. He hoped that in the future we could organize another Iftar agenda.

Following breaking the fast, the employees enjoyed live music and participated in several games which were held to enliven each event. As well as being a fun activity to close the evening, the games also enhance a good relationship and establish bonding among employees across all sections and departments within the company.